You’ve just been asked to moderate a panel discussion.

  • There are so many moving parts! What am I supposed to do?
  • Most panel discussions are so boring…how do I make mine stand out?  Hit a home run?
  • I’ve seen many….and most weren’t that good. What are the best practices?

We help new panel moderators get really smart about how to moderate a panel discussion. 

Drawn from her extensive experience as a nationally recognized speaker, master facilitator and panel moderator, Kristin Arnold provides a step-by-step approach to help you moderate a lively and informative panel discussion.

The Vault is a one-stop-shop – one place to find anything you need to know about moderating panels.

With the Powerful Panels Knowledge Vault, you'll have immediate access in perpetuity to:

- Various traditional and specialty panel formats
- creative techniques to engage your audience - Customizable agendas and reminder cards to give to your panelists
- “How to” best practices from expert professional panel moderators
- Customizable checklists, templates and examples that will shave hours off your preparation
- Video and audio interviews and webinars with expert moderators, savvy meeting producers and meeting industry icons
The Vault is a one-stop-shop – one place to find anything you need to know about moderating panels.


This collection includes Kristin's three eBooks on Panels.

Everything you need to know is in this knowledge vault.

By incorporating just a few of these best practices, you will dramatically improve your ability to moderate an amazingly successful panel discussion.

Access now for just one payment of $87.00


What Others Are Saying

Executive Vice President, Education & Engagement, Velvet Chainsaw Consulting

Jeff Hurt

Executive Vice President, Education & Engagement, Velvet Chainsaw Consulting

"Panels. The very word causes most of us to groan as it brings up feelings of dislike and disdain. Kristin Arnold has taken the dry, boring, traditional panel format and infused it with excitement, engagement and anticipation all for the audience's pleasure... a step by step approach to creating 21st Century panels.
Founder, Pure Potential

Olwyn Merritt

Founder, Pure Potential

"Thank you ever so much, Kristin! The panel that I chaired went extremely well and your e-book was TERRIFIC in preparing me. Many thanks again for your responsiveness as it really helped me in the final countdown to the event."
Head of Industry Relations EMEA at comScore, Inc.

Stuart Wilkinson

Head of Industry Relations EMEA at comScore, Inc.

"I took your course, lived by your instructions, and took my 3 panelist's on the journey. Result was solid. The MC noted that the conversation really flowed naturally and it felt like the panelists really understood the citation of content we were getting through. You gave me confidence and direction to turn something I was looking at with considerable fear into something I really enjoyed!"
MEETing Needs, LLX

Carolyn Browning, CMP, CMM, HMCC

MEETing Needs, LLX

"Most of us have sat through panel discussions where the panel was 'ho hum' instead of engaging and thought provoking. Kristin Arnold's method will put an end to those! Planners & panel moderators take note."
IT Consultant

Geoff Bannoff

IT Consultant

"You took me from apprehension and a fair bit of anxiety, step by step, into feeling confident and actually looking forward to this event. All this in about an hour. Thank you!"

Kate Fessler

“I attended your session on Reinventing the Panel Discussion and came up afterwards saying your session was “worth the price of admission.”

Taya Paige

“Kristin Arnold is truly the best moderator I have had the pleasure to work with. She was instrumental in helping our sales and marketing team properly prepare for and successfully launch an industry accredited webinar which included a panel discussion. Kristin knows how to ask the right questions in order to stay on track, and she is a pleasure to work with!"
  • Kristin Arnold

    Certified Professional Facilitator | Master

    Kristin Arnold

    Kristin Arnold MBA, CSP, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, CPF | Master, is passionate about making all panel discussions more engaging, interactive and collaborative. She has surveyed and studied what makes panel discussions absolutely fabulous – or not.

    Since 1993, Kristin is the founder and President of Quality Process Consultants, a boutique consulting firm specializing in galvanizing leaders and their teams to think things through, make better collaborative decisions to achieve sustainable results.

    She’s a high stakes meeting facilitator, trainer, keynote speaker and panel moderator, known for her concrete approaches and practical concepts, tools and techniques her clients can apply immediately to see positive, substantive results.

    Kristin was one of the first female graduates of the United States Coast Guard Academy and the first woman stationed onboard the USCGC Buttonwood, a seagoing buoy tender.

    She parlayed her understanding of teams and teamwork with an MBA in Marketing Strategy into a specialized management consulting firm focused on building extraordinary teams in the workplace.

    She is an award-winning author and Past President of the US National Speakers Association. She divides her time between Scottsdale, Arizona and Prince Edward Island, Canada.